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Vincent P. Barragan, Candidate for Montgomery Township Committee

By Barbara A. Preston | April 7, 2022

Vincent P. Barragan of Skillman filed a petition with the Somerset County Clerk's Election Division to run in the New Jersey Primary election on June 7, to represent the Democratic Party. There is no contest in this election, since there are only two candidates for the two Democratic slots.

Vincent P. Barraga
Vincent P. Barragan

Barragan is a US Army veteran, and a finance executive with Johnson & Johnson, according to his LinkedIn account. If elected in the November 8 election, he will be the first Latino to serve as a member of the Montgomery Township Committee

He was an infantry officer with the US Army from May 2000 to May 2004, during which time he served as captain of the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Specifically, he led the supporting effort for the airborne infantry company in two battalions, and participated in more than 25 company missions during IRAQI FREEDOM, resulting in processing more than 25 insurgents for trial. He was awarded Bronze Star Medal, according to LinkedIn.

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In addition to planning and conducting successful logistical support to combat operations in Iraq and for international training exercises throughout Europe and Northern Africa, he completed four months of infantry officer basic training, three months in Ranger School, and a three-week Jumpmaster School.

Barragan graduated from Rahway High School in 1996. He earned a certificate of completion from the Army ROTC program at Fordham University, where he was a member of the National Society of Pershing Rifles. His bachelor's degree is from the New York University School of Business. He also earned an MBA from the University of Florida's Warrington College of Business.

In his younger days, Barragan participated in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) from June 1996 to August 1996. He was assigned to Congressman Bobby Scott, 3rd District of Virginia. He also was the lead for the Most Favoured Nation status for China and for English-only legislation. And, he participated in several professional development seminars organized by CHCI.

He lives in Skillman with his wife, Catherine Caicedo, who is listed as director of business development for the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.



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