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The Watershed Institute Encourages Montgomery Township Adoption of Stormwater Management

The Watershed Institute is urging supporters to attend the Montgomery Township Committee meeting on Thursday, December 17 at 7 pm to support the adoption of its new stormwater ordinance.

The Institute worked with the Montgomery Environmental Commission, Committeewoman Devra Keenan, and Montgomery’s professionals to develop the new ordinance. Developed to address flooding issues and protect and improve water quality, this ordinance goes beyond the state’s basic requirements. Once passed, the ordinance will:

  • Require that when properties are redeveloped systems are installed to capture and treat polluted stormwater runoff. 

  • Requiring stormwater management for smaller developments by reducing the threshold for major development and requiring smaller projects to require stormwater water management under certain conditions.

  • Requires the use of low impact development techniques to reduce the need for stormwater management.

  • Require that all stormwater management features are properly maintained so that they continue to function effectively over time.

These are important steps to address flooding and improve water quality. In addition, the Watershed Institute encourages the Montgomery Township Committee to consider adopting further protections in the future, including:

  • Requiring a higher standard of treatment for stormwater runoff to streams that already have significant pollution.

  • Requiring all new developments and redeveloped sites to incorporate an on-site retention standard to reduce the amount of runoff that leaves a property.

  • Require that the runoff generated by most storms is captured and held on site.


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