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My Experience with a COVID-19 Exposure

Donato Nieman | NOVEMBER 29

I want to share my personal experience with a COVID-19 exposure. Several weeks ago, I went to a dental appointment for a cleaning and checkup, had my temperature taken, and filled out a questionnaire. My dentist practices the highest standards for hygiene and COVID-19 protection.

The hygienist cleaned my teeth and then asked my dentist to check my teeth. He was wearing a full Tyvek suit and face mask with a complete hood and face mask with cartridge filters. The examination room also had an air purifier. My visit lasted 45 minutes.

Dentist in Tyvek suit

Days after my visit the office called to tell me that my dentist had tested positive for COVID, although he was asymptomatic. He had gotten the virus from his wife who worked as a guidance counselor in a high school. As soon as I was notified, I contacted Health Officer Stephanie Carey, described my exposure and possible risk.

I was advised to stay home and wait for at least four days after my exposure to get tested. I made a point of contacting each and every township employee that I had come into contact with to make them aware of the possibility of exposure.

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Fortunately, my test came back negative and I was able to return to work. I took the time to trace all the people that I came in contact with including my wife, my sons, their girlfriends, and the township employees. It totaled of 20 people who could have been exposed to the COVID virus.

I wanted to share my experience with you to reinforce the need to wear masks, socially distance, avoid large indoor gatherings, follow all COVID protocols and, lastly, phone the health department if you test positive. Our COVID-19 Contact Tracing Team needs to follow-up with you to control and prevent the spread of this virus. All our lives depend on it.

The Montgomery Township Health Department has been working day and night to protect the health of township residents. Our police department is working to ensure compliance with our COVID-19 safety protocols for residences and businesses and lastly, township employees have been working both in the office or remotely keeping the township operating while servicing our residents. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season during these difficult times.


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