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Montgomery High School Moves to All Virtual Learning after Positive COVID Test(s)

Updated on October 30, 2020

Montgomery High School reopened on October 12, and closed again on Wednesday, October 28 when at least one "individual" tested positive for COVID, according to information posted on the Montgomery School District Website.

While the school website reports just one case in the high school, parents report they have received multiple letters from the school indicating the following count: three MHS individuals; one Upper Middle School individual; one Lower Middle School individual; one Orchard Hill Elementary school individual; and one staff member (school not disclosed).

Only the high school has closed. High school students will return to the hybrid schedule on Monday, November 9. All extra-curricular activities (sports, band, robotics) that have been meeting in person will continue to run accordingly. (Though, a football game has been rescheduled.)

"The number of high school staff members required to remain at home until contact tracing is completed" makes it necessary, Montgomery Superintendent of Schools Mary E. McLoughlin wrote to a recent letter to parents and staff.

Superintendent McLoughlin did not say whether the individuals were students, teachers, or support staff. While the high school building is closed, the other four district schools remain on the hybrid schedule for this week. All district schools had been on the all virtual schedule next week, November 2 to 4. And, all schools are closed November 5 and 6 for the NJ Teachers Convention in Atlantic City.


The school district is creating a dashboard of school-related COVID-19 cases, by building, that will be located in the parents/community tab of the district's public website. Once launched, the dashboard will be updated daily for the public, McLoughlin said.

According to the Montgomery Township Municipal website site, 10 Montgomery Township individuals under the age of 20 tested positive for COVID between Friday, October 23 and Wednesday, October 28.

Since schools opened in September, there have been 28 outbreaks of COVID in New Jersey schools, that have led to 122 separate outbreaks, (Source:

"Cleaning and disinfecting of all exposed areas have been completed," McLoughlin wrote in an October 28 letter to parents. "The schools are also taking precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs and are cleaning frequently touched surfaces daily." 

Our Numbers

New Cases in New Jersey (Source:

1,477 new cases statewide on October 29

8 new lab-confirmed deaths

16 new hospital-reported deaths

New Jersey Cases Overall

234,547 total positive cases 14,539 total confirmed deaths

1,793 total probable deaths

Somerset County Numbers as of October 29 (Source:

27 new positives

519 total confirmed deaths

6,485 positive test results

75 probable deaths

The Somerset County numbers do not all align with the state numbers. And the Montgomery Township Health Department numbers do not all align with the county numbers.

Somerset County Numbers as of October 29 (Source: Somerset County COVID-19 Information Hub)

5,979 positive test results

519 total confirmed deaths through FDA lab-approved test).

Montgomery Township

202 positive test results; 6 fatalities, according to the Somerset County Hub


219 positive test results; 7 fatalities, according to the Montgomery Township Hub

Rocky Hill Borough

5 positive test results; 0 fatalities, according to Somerset County Hub


6 positive test results; 0 fatalities, according the Montgomery Township Hub

Age Ranges of Cases in Montgomery & Rocky Hill according to the Montgomery Township Hub

41       <20 31       20-29 20       30-39 32       40-49 47       50-59 27       60-69 6        70-79 21       80+

McLoughlin encouraged parents and students to continue following the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention promoted safeguards, such as:

  • Staying home when you are sick; 

  • Washing hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds; 

  • Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues;

  • Limiting close contact with people who are sick and not sharing food, drinks and utensils;

  • Practicing social distancing (staying at least 6 feet apart); 

  • Wearing a face covering while in school; and 

  • Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms. 




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