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Montgomery Business Association: Growing in Leaps & Bounds

The nonprofit shop-local organization welcomes an influx of new small businesses.

By Rikki N. Massand | Posted March 10, 2025

With a swell of new businesses, and a residential development boom, the nonprofit Montgomery Business Association (MBA) is poised to become a major "shop local" advocacy organization in the once rural township, located just north of Princeton, NJ.

MBA's incoming president Cory Wingerter, owner of landmark Tiger’s Tale Bar & Grill on Route 206 in Skillman, says the MBA serves as “a vital platform for businesses” in Montgomery Township.

"The organization enables both members and non-members to promote their enterprises effectively," he told The Montgomery News. "This is consistently done through social media posts, networking events, community sponsorships, and partnerships."

There are approximately 425 businesses operating within Montgomery Township and Rocky Hill, he said.

He estimated that another 30 new businesses will launch here throughout 2025.

A Montgomery Business Association networking event at The Mango Tree restaurant in Belle Mead on Jan. 29. Photo by Rikki N. Massand.

The MBA’s Annual Reorganization Meeting

Montgomery Township Mayor Neena Singh will formally swear in MBA’s new board and executive officers at the MBA's reorganization meeting in the Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center, Route 206, Skillman, on Wednesday, March 12, at 7:30 am. 

Wingerter urges local businesses in Montgomery and Rocky Hill to attend. The first half hour of the meeting will be for networking, along with light food and beverages. In attendance will be Mayor Singh, Township Administrator Lori Savron, and Montgomery Business Advocate Matthew Galan.

After a short update about pertinent township news, these officials will be available for Q&A.

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Montgomery Business Association NJ.

Meet President Cory Wingerter

President Wingerter outside Tiger's Tale.

Wingerter will serve as MBA president for 2025. James Danner of Red Barn Printing in Skillman will move to the role of vice president.

Wingerter owns Tiger's Tale Bar & Grill, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary at the corner of routes 206 and 518 in Skillman. He is an active board member of the New Jersey Restaurant & Hospitality Association and often works with their president and government affairs staff. 

Wingerter said he is elated with incoming development in Montgomery — Montgomery Promenade, The Village Walk at Montgomery, and the many new restaurants.

"There will be up to 1,200 new restaurant seats, across the various food businesses, in the coming year," he said. He adds that the Montgomery Library staff, equipped with tools and state-of-the-art technology, “helps us keep track with spreadsheets on the average incomes in our area, different local activities, info for mailing lists, and more.

“Plus, I do the yeoman’s work of going door-to-door at Tamarack Circle and by Wall Street [in Research Park], to identify what business a company or professional is in. We’re seeing more and more variety,” he noted.

Martin Wealth Management Group, Princeton, NJ. themontynews

In the mid-2010s Wingerter held the position of MBA president, and he’s proud to get another turn after the success and growth Danner has overseen. Wingerter says the best bang for the buck for small businesses is a membership in the Montgomery Business Association (MBA) priced at $150 a year. 


The MBA is collaborating with the township’s Economic Development Commission (EDC), which analyzes the economic development of the region and promotes reasonable development of the township. The EDC mobilizes resources for efficient commercial, office, and economic uses. They study and promote managed and selected growth of clean and environmentally desirable ratables. This continues a proactive approach to strengthen connections between the MBA and a broader business community.

With support from Mayor Neena Singh and Committeeman Dennis Ahn (an MBA member, co-owner of Kasia Market and Paris Baguette) the EDC and MBA continue to streamline local grand opening events, especially in anticipation of Montgomery Promenade’s launch. 

Wingerter said the EDC, under the leadership of Diana Andes, has become more organized and better at engaging local businesses.

“They send out meeting agendas and minutes, they include the MBA in discussions, and we always try to have a member visit the EDC. Diana also attends our meetings. 

“In the last two years our relationship with the EDC and Montgomery Township has been amazing,” he noted. 

MBA Newsletter & Welcome Bags

Announced at its January 29 meeting, the MBA will be requesting bio information and pictures from member businesses to go in an upcoming e-newsletter (circulated to 1,400 Montgomery residents and other area businesses). The newsletter contents include the latest business offers, discounts, and local info. The cost to promote in e-blasts is included in MBA dues.

Another way they encourage everyone to “Shop Local” is the MBA’s complimentary Welcome Bag, distributed to all new township homes and apartments when people move in. 

A new bag is developed each quarter. The Welcome Bag includes a variety of items, including brochures from the township and municipal organizations, restaurant menus, giveaways, and flyers for services. The objective is to share names, logos, and branding of MBA business members with the entire community. 

The MBA works diligently to execute this convenient and effective way to tell new residents about local businesses. According to Wingerter, “the initiative not only fosters connections but also enhances the local economy by integrating newcomers into the vibrant business landscape.” 

Changes in Outreach

After a downturn in membership during the pandemic the MBA underwent several changes to adapt, including a reduction in yearly membership fees to encourage renewal and refresh sign-ups. Currently the organization has about 105 active members. 

“It’s imperative to remind residents that whenever they Shop Local they keep dollars in town. Eventually that helps in businesses’ contributions. That offsets costs for sponsors for kids’ sports – local youth teams are sponsored by businesses,” Wingerter explained. 

Room for growing business diversity has been examined too. The MBA’s membership directory is light on doctors, lawyers and people in some other professions. Wingerter wants to meet more local professionals who can be involved, and MBA meetings are open to the public.

The MBA typically hosts four larger “socials” per calendar year, and will be booking monthly networking events for 2025. Members are encouraged to consider hosting an MBA event – whether at their offices, restaurant or studios/center. The board is flexible to ideas from members. 

Every monthly MBA meeting also begins with a fishbowl for everyone to drop their business card in. The result is a round of eight to ten door prizes to conclude each meeting. 

Many times, MBA has been a catalyst for a startup business. The Coder School of Montgomery (21 Belle Mead-Griggstown Road) opened by Michael and Dominique Young four years ago, is an example. When they launched the business amid the COVID-19 pandemic, challenges seemed insurmountable as students were unable to come to classes in-person. 

The Youngs decided to get more active in the local business community. Wingerter says that after they connected with the MBA the Coder School gained support and resources to navigate their early days. 

More MBA outreach is happening. Late last year the MBA extended a warm invitation to Pallabi Ghosal, a resident and the owner of the newly established eatery Wok like a Desi in the Grove at Montgomery (featured in the January 2024 Montgomery News) to host a grand opening event in the coming months, an offer she appreciated. 

The MBA and its board are eager to celebrate business openings across town. Stay up to date with MBA events and programs at the website,

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