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Exercise Your Right to Vote on Tuesday, June 8

Posted June 3, 2021

Having survived the intense and divisive 2020 presidential election, local voters may have been hoping for a quiet political front in 2021. Not so. In fact, this year, all 40 Senate and 80 General Assembly seats in New Jersey are up election. The governor’s seat is also up for election.

The Republican and Democratic parties are selecting their candidates in the June 8 primary. The winning candidates will represent the parties in the November 2 general election.

Political sectarianism is on the rise—making it more important than ever for citizens to exercise their vote and participate in the process of democracy.

A survey by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute found 78 percent of Democratic respondents think the Republican Party has been overtaken by racists while 81 percent of Republicans think the Democratic Party has been overtaken by socialists. The survey interviewed about 2,500 randomly selected adults across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (From the journalist resource).

Taking an active part in your local elections for state office, and reading news articles to keep informed about your candidates, is essential to a democracy form of government. Once voters know the candidates, then voters and leaders can work to bridge gaps; work together; and cure the political sectarianism in America that is driving the ascendance of political hatred.


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