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Chef Samira Ghani Shares Her Culinary Journey and Recipe for Nutella Souffle

By Oliver Huang l February 24, 2021

While Chef Samira Ghani may be able to make a simple, easy, but delicious recipe, her life story is much more complex. During a recent 30-minute conversation with The Montgomery News, Ghani showed us how to make Nutella souffle, a family favorite, while also answering questions about her life, her cooking journey, and how she is surviving the pandemic.

Samira Ghani (Chef Sammy)

Born to Pakistani parents, Ghani grew up in Greece. She then moved to the US to study, and now lives with her family in Montgomery. Her love of cooking and baking came after she was shopping for cakes for her daughter’s birthday. While she saw cakes that looked good, there weren’t any cakes that “tasted good.” This ultimately led her on a culinary adventure, exploring various cuisines.

Ghani's daugther, Montgomery High School student Amenah Ghani, interviewed her mother while they demonstrated how to make Nutella souffle. Requiring only three ingredients, Nutella, eggs, and sugar, the recipe is fool proof for even the worst cooks among us. Furthermore, the recipe is quick. It only took around 20 minutes to prepare, making it a quick, yet lavish, weeknight dessert.

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As we waited for the Nutella souffle to bake, Ghani told us a bit about her culinary journey. Although she seems like a culinary master, she told us about some culinary disasters under her belt. One of her worst was forgetting to thoroughly clean cilantro, leaving the dish with a lot of dirt and grit.

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When the Nutella souffle was done baking, Ghani took out the souffle, and we were greeted to a delightful desert. But we were not done. She also added some chocolate covered strawberries and sprayed some whipped cream on top of the souffle to plate the dish. Ghani showed us the final product, which was not just tasty, but aesthetically pleasing.

Learn more about Chef Samira Ghani on Instagram, @sliceofgourmet, or at

Community Voices

"Community Voices" will showcase the people of the Montgomery region through short engaging videos. If you would like to suggest a community member to be a guest on a future episode of "Community Voices," please email Karen Dentler, special project manager.


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