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Bob Uhrik, 2022 Rocky Hill Mayor Candidate

Democratic Party Candidate

Bob Uhrik

Incumbent (Mayor since 2019)

Democratic Party

Senior Environmental Health Specialist, South Brunswick Township Health Department, since 1981. (Almost 42 years.)


Rutgers University. Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Biology, 1978.


Bob has lived in Rocky Hill for 19 years. He is married to Eileen, and they have one daughter.

Why are you running?

I have been honored to serve the residents of Rocky Hill and it has been gratifying to know I have helped to make a change in our wonderful town. I feel empowered to continue carrying on my current endeavors and I am ready to keep forging ahead to make Rocky Hill the best place to live.

Top three issues in Rocky Hill

I believe the priority in Rocky Hill is enhanced communications with residents. The borough needs to continually develop better and more efficient ways of communicating with the public.

Next in importance, is the fiscal wellbeing of the borough budget and the utility budget. Sound financial strategies with long term benefits should be the norm, such as incremental marginal increases to avoid future drastic impacts.

Third, public safety is of much concern to everyone, especially as more development takes place in and around Rocky Hill. Outreach for shared police services that are already occurring must continue so we can find ways to ensure the public’s safety.

What economic growth would you like to see in town?

I see the need for a business council that could assist both existing businesses as well as new businesses by providing a forum for networking and exchange of ideas that will promote their economic success.

Thoughts on the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library?

The value of a library in Rocky Hill is a top priority. I would continue to pursue any and all avenues available to the borough to see that golden jewel remains a viable community center point.

The change in the foundation name is very distressing and a concern that council should continue to monitor closely and surely keep pursuing. The library situation is a complex matrix that involves four separate entities, the MJ Foundation, Somerset County Library, the borough, and the resident stakeholders. The best that could happen is for all parties to get together on the same page and keep forging ahead with the interest of the people of Rocky Hill.

Goals for the municipal water system?

Since the borough was so fortunate to obtain both a federal USDA loan/grant as well as a congressional funding earmark, I feel confident we can now remediate the PFOS and work on our aging water infrastructure without resorting to selling the water system at this time.

Shared police services

As mentioned, outreach for shared police services that have already been started must continue so we can find ways to ensure the public’s safety.

Although increased traffic and development is inevitable, a regional approach with our county and state partners is paramount to lessening the impact of traffic within Rocky Hill.

New Jersey State Police from the Kingwood Township Route 12 barracks can take nearly an hour to respond to a 911 call from Rocky Hill.

We all know this is unacceptable and the need for rapid police protection is on the forefront of my agenda for the borough. ■


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