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Owner Needed for a Habitat for Humanity Home to be Built in Montgomery

A three- or four-bedroom handicapped adaptable (accessible if needed) home will be built in Montgomery beginning in the fall.

Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity (RVHFH) is looking for an owner for a 3- to 4-bedroom handicapped adaptable (if needed) home that will be built in Montgomery Township, starting this fall.

Anyone interested in applying for this home must attend one of the following information sessions in order to learn about the project and the program requirements and to obtain an application.

Qualifying applicants must be in the moderate-income range with a minimum annual gross income of $48,300 (for the three-bedroom) and $55,500 (for the four-bedroom) and a maximum annual gross income of $73,350 (three-person family); $81,450 (four-person family); $88,000 (five-person family); and $94,500 (six-person family).

The family must have the ability to repay the 0-percent interest mortgage plus taxes, insurance, and other costs of homeownership; be willing to partner with RVHFH through 250-500 hours of “sweat equity;” and meet other criteria listed on the website.

All requirements will be explained at the sessions. Interested persons must attend one of the following sessions:

  • Saturday, Sept. 21, 1 pm Montgomery Evangelical Free Church 246 Belle Mead Griggstown Rd., Belle Mead, NJ 08502

  • Sunday, Sept. 22, 1 pm Blawenberg Reformed Church * 424 Route 518 Skillman, NJ 08558

  • Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6 pm Otto Kaufman Community Center 356 Skillman Rd. Skillman, NJ 08558

Each site is accessible and has free parking.

* Restrooms at Blawenburg Church (also accessible) are in a separate building Come early! Meeting doors close promptly at starting time; latecomers will not be admitted.

For more information visit or call 908.704.0016 ext. 14.

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