Community Calendar

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Event name
Date, time, and location of event
Short description of event
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Free listings for non-profit organizations
and Montgomery News advertisers.
Ongoing Events:
Somerset County Tax-Aide Program
February 1 - April 15
Schedule a free appointment
Princeton Country Dances
Wednesdays at 8 pm
Instruction at 7:30 pm
1 Monument Drive, Princeton
Princeton Elks Lodge
Thrift Store and Flea Market
Thrift store: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Flea Market: Saturday
354 Rte. 518
Somerset County Library System
The Somerset County Library system has many events for all ages.
Montgomery Township Recreation
Recreation has recreational and educational programs for all ages.

Campbell Farm, accessible from the trailhead next to the Opies Mill Pond Bridge on Deadtree Road.